Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Hello! Welcome to "An Animator's Soundtrack," a blog dedicated to any music, movies, and/or television shows that I feel like discussing. Seeing as this is the first entry, I guess introductions are in order.

My name is Patrick, I am from just outside the DC area, and as the name of the blog implies, animation and music are some of my biggest passions. One of my lifelong goals is to create my own animated series, a goal I have been working to achieve since I started animating when I was in middle school. As of now I am in college and currently working towards a bachelor's degree in the field. When I am not working on animation, my life is basically consumed by music. I play both bass and guitar and am an avid music collector, with a library of almost 800 CDs, over 50 records and about 25 tapes. I have the fortune of living near a couple of independent record stores as well as a Goodwill, which are where I get a lot of these things for cheap. I largely listen to punk and alternative rock from the '80s and '90s, but collection encompasses many other rock subgenres as well as other styles such as jazz fusion and ska. With this in mind, I'm gonna be writing about both of these fields. 

So why did I start this blog?

I have wanted to write a blog for the past several months just to have a place to rant and rave about whatever I want, whether it is an obscure rock band or a Disney movie. So what should you expect in these rants? I will likely entail how I came across the subject, any anecdotes I have related to it, my opinions of different parts of it, etc. This is basically a journal for me that others can read, so whatever I say on here is just my opinion, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me. If anything, I just hope I may be able to introduce someone to a new group or TV show they may like.

I plan on posting soon, so stay tuned and I hope you enjoy what I have to say!

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